So one day my wife comes home and their is a chicken out front of our house. Being from New Mexico and everyone in her family working for a ranch she informed us that we would be keeping it and would need accommodations for it.
So after we had searched the internet and with our needs came across the COOPSICLE. It was originally published in a book about urban coop designs so with that as our inspiration, this is what we ended up with..
I thought there were many ways to improve the usefulness and design of the coop.
First- I wanted a laminated or smooth sealed bottom for easy clean up.
Second- I wanted to move the roosting nests to the back so they would not impede on the flow through.
Third- I wanted more air circulation instead of plexiglass... seeing as how we are in south florida.
Fourth.. I told my wife that we could do this if all the materials came from bulk / trash pickup. We could not spend any money on this. A fun challenge and we agreed that we would only splurge on the necessary hardware.
This coop we have a total of $60 Bucks. Latches, hinges, hardware cloth, aluminum flashing, and a few other little things.
All the wood came from our neighborhood once a month bulk pickup.. some of the other wood we had.
The roofing materials.. the neighbor was redoing his roof and we got some scraps....
Pics are a little out of order, but you get the idea..